Thursday, December 27, 2012

HOMILY on the Most-holy Virgin, the Theotokos

on the Most-holy Virgin, the Theotokos

My soul doth magnify the Lord (Luke 1:46).
Brethren, we have in total only a few words spoken by the Most-holy Theotokos recorded in the Gospels. All of her words pertain to the magnification of God. She was silent before men but her soul conversed unceasingly with God. Every day and every hour, she found a new reason and incentive to magnify God. If only we were able to know and to record all her magnifications of God throughout her whole life, oh, how many books would it take! But, even by this one magnification, which she spoke before her kinswoman Elizabeth, the mother of the great Prophet and Forerunner John, every Christian can evaluate what a fragrant and God-pleasing flower was her most holy soul. This is but one wonderful canticle of the soul of the Theotokos, which has come down to us through the Gospel. However, such canticles were without number in the course of the life of the Most-blessed One. Even before she heard the Gospel from the lips of her Son, she knew how to speak with God and to glorify Him in accordance with the teaching of the Gospel. This knowledge came to her from the Holy Spirit of God, whose grace constantly poured into her like clear water into a pure vessel. Her soul magnified God with canticles throughout her whole life, and therefore God magnified her above the Cherubim and the Seraphim. Likewise, small and sinful as we are, the same Lord will magnify in His Kingdom us who magnify her, if we exert ourselves to fill this brief life with the magnification of God in our deeds, words, thoughts and prayers.
O Most-holy, Most-pure and Most-blessed Theotokos, cover us with the wings of thy prayers.
To thee and thy Son and our Lord be glory and praise forever. Amen.

Monday, December 24, 2012

On the Feast of the Nativity by Pope St. Leo the Great

A work by Pope St. Leo the Great

On the Feast of the Nativity, I.

I. All share in the joy of Christmas
Our Savior  dearly-beloved, was born today: let us be glad. For there is no proper place for sadness, when we keep the birthday of the Life, which destroys the fear of mortality and brings to us the joy of promised eternity. No one is kept from sharing in this happiness. There is for all one common measure of joy, because as our Lord the destroyer of sin and death finds none free from charge, so is He come to free us all. Let the saint exult in that he draws near to victory. Let the sinner be glad in that he is invited to pardon. Let the gentile take courage in that he is called to life. For the Son of God in the fullness of time which the inscrutable depth of the Divine counsel has determined, has taken on him the nature of man, thereby to reconcile it to its Author: in order that the inventor of death, the devil, might be conquered through that (nature) which he had conquered. 
And in this conflict undertaken for us, the fight was fought on great and wondrous principles of fairness; for the Almighty Lord enters the lists with His savage foe not in His own majesty but in our humility, opposing him with the same form and the same nature, which shares indeed our mortality, though it is free from all sin. Truly foreign to this nativity is that which we read of all others, no one is clean from stain, not even the infant who has lived but one day upon earth Job 19:4 . Nothing therefore of the lust of the flesh has passed into that peerless nativity, nothing of the law of sin has entered. A royal Virgin of the stem of David is chosen, to be impregnated with the sacred seed and to conceive the Divinely-human offspring in mind first and then in body. And lest in ignorance of the heavenly counsel she should tremble at so strange a result , she learns from converse with the angel that what is to be wrought in her is of the Holy Ghost. Nor does she believe it loss of honour that she is soon to be the Mother of God. For why should she be in despair over the novelty of such conception, to whom the power of the most High has promised to effect it. Her implicit faith is confirmed also by the attestation of a precursory miracle, and Elizabeth receives unexpected fertility: in order that there might be no doubt that He who had given conception to the barren, would give it even to a virgin.
II. The mystery of the Incarnation is a fitting theme for joy both to angels and to men
Therefore the Word of God, Himself God, the Son of God who in the beginning was with God, through whom all things were made and without whom was nothing made John 1:1-3, with the purpose of delivering man from eternal death, became man: so bending Himself to take on Him our humility without decrease in His own majesty, that remaining what He was and assuming what He was not, He might unite the true form of a slave to that form in which He is equal to God the Father, and join both natures together by such a compact that the lower should not be swallowed up in its exaltation nor the higher impaired by its new associate. Without detriment therefore to the properties of either substance which then came together in one person, majesty took on humility, strength weakness, eternity mortality: and for the paying off of the debt, belonging to our condition, inviolable nature was united with possible nature, and true God and true man were combined to form one Lord, so that, as suited the needs of our case, one and the same Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, could both die with the one and rise again with the other.

Rightly therefore did the birth of our Salvation impart no corruption to the Virgin's purity, because the bearing of the Truth was the keeping of honour. Such then beloved was the nativity which became the Power of God and the Wisdom of God even Christ, whereby He might be one with us in manhood and surpass us in Godhead. For unless He were true God, He would not bring us a remedy, unless He were true Man, He would not give us an example. Therefore the exulting angel's song when the Lord was born is this, Glory to God in the Highest, and their message, peace on earth to men of good will Luke 2:14 . For they see that the heavenly Jerusalem is being built up out of all the nations of the world: and over that indescribable work of the Divine love how ought the humbleness of men to rejoice, when the joy of the lofty angels is so great?
III. Christians then must live worthily of Christ their Head
Let us then, dearly beloved, give thanks to God the Father, through His Son, in the Holy Spirit , Who for His great mercy, wherewith He has loved us, has had pity on us: and when we were dead in sins, has quickened us together in Christ Ephesians 2:4-5, that we might be in Him a new creation and a new production. Let us put off then the old man with his deeds: and having obtained a share in the birth of Christ let us renounce the works of the flesh. Christian, acknowledge your dignity, and becoming a partner in the Divine nature, refuse to return to the old baseness by degenerate conduct. Remember the Head and the Body of which you are a member. Recollect that you were rescued from the power of darkness and brought out into God's light and kingdom. By the mystery of Baptism you were made the temple of the Holy Ghost: do not put such a denizen to flight from you by base acts, and subject yourself once more to the devil's thraldom: because your purchase money is the blood of Christ, because He shall judge you in truth Who ransomed you in mercy, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Hymn on the Nativity (11) St. Ephraim

From today until Christmas The Society of Sts. Peter & Andrew will be posting a Hymn on the Nativity of Christ from St. & Doctor of the Church Ephraim the Syrian (306-373).

Hymn Eleven

(The Virgin Mother to Her Child.)
I shall not be jealous, my Son, that You are with me, and also with all men. Be God to him that confesses You, and be Lord to him that serves You, and be Brother to him that loves You, that You may gain all!
When You dwelled in me, You also dwelled out of me, and when I brought You forth openly, Your hidden might was not removed from me. You are within me, and You are without me, O You that makes Your Mother amazed.
For [when] I see that outward form of Yours before my eyes, the hidden Form is shadowed forth in my mind, O holy One. In Your visibleform I see Adam, and in Your hidden form I see Your Father, who is joined with You.
Have You then shown me alone Your Beauty in two Forms? Let Bread shadow forth You, and also the mind; dwell also in Bread and in the eaters thereof. In secret, and openly too, may Your Church see You, as well as Your Mother.
He that hates Your Bread is like him that hates Your Body. He that is far off that desires Your Bread, and he that is near that loves YourImage, are alike. In the Bread and in the Body, the first and also the last have seen You.
Yet Your visible Bread is far more precious than Your Body; for Your Body even unbelievers have seen, but they have not seen Your livingBread. They that were far off rejoiced! Their portion utterly scorns that of those that are near.
Lo! Your Image is shadowed forth in the blood of the grapes on the Bread; and it is shadowed forth on the heart with the finger of love, with the colors of faith. Blessed be He that by the Image of His Truth caused the graven images to pass away.
You are not [so] the Son of Man that I should sing unto You a common lullaby; for Your Conception is new, and Your Birth marvellous. Without the Spirit who shall sing to You? A new muttering of prophecy is hot within me.
How shall I call You a stranger to us, Who is from us? Should I call You Son? Should I call You Brother? Matthew 12:50 Husband should I call You? Lord should I call You, O Child that gave Your Mother a second birth from the waters?
For I am Your sister, of the house of David the father of us Both. Again, I am Your Mother because of Your Conception, and Your Bride am I because of Your sanctification, Your handmaid and Your daughter, from the Blood and Water wherewith You have purchased me andbaptised me.
The Son of the Most High came and dwelt in me, and I became His Mother; and as by a second birth I brought Him forth so did He bring me forth by the second birth, because He put His Mother's garments on, she clothed her body with His glory.
Tamar, who was of the house of David, Amnon put to shame; and virginity fell and perished from them both. My pearl is not lost: in Your treasury it is stored, because You have put it on.
The scent of her brother-in-law slunk from Tamar, whose perfume she had stolen. As for Joseph's Bride, not even his breath exhaled from her garments, since she conceived Cinnamon. Song of Songs 4:14 A wall of fire was Your Conception unto me, O holy Son.
The little flower was faint, because the smell of the Lily Song of Songs 2:1 of Glory was great. The Treasure-house of spices stood in no need of flower or its smells! Flesh stood aloof because it perceived in the womb a Conception from the Spirit.
The woman ministers before the man, because he is her head. Joseph rose to minister before his Lord, Who was in Mary. The priest ministered before Your ark by reason of Your holiness.
Moses carried the tables of stone which the Lord wrote, and Joseph bare about the pure Tablet in whom the Son of the Creator was dwelling. The tables had ceased, because the world was filled with Your doctrine.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hymn on the Nativity (10) St. Ephraim

From today until Christmas The Society of Sts. Peter & Andrew will be posting a Hymn on the Nativity of Christ from St. & Doctor of the Church Ephraim the Syrian (306-373).

Hymn Ten

In You will I begin to speak, You Head that began all created things. Revelation 3:14 I, even I will open my mouth, but it is You that fills my mouth. I am the earth to You, and You are the husbandman. Sow Your voice in me, Hebrews 6:7 You that sowed Yourself in the womb of your Mother.
All the chaste daughters of the Hebrews, and the virgins' daughters of the chief men, are astonished at me! For You does the daughter of the poor meet with envy, for You, the daughter of the weak with jealousy. Who has given You to me?
O Son of the Rich One, Who abhorred the bosom of the rich women, who led You to the poor? For Joseph was needy and I also in want, yet Your merchants have come, and brought gold, to the house of the poor.
She saw the Magi: her songs increased at their offerings; Lo! Your worshippers have surrounded me, yea your offerings have encircled me. Blessed be the Babe who made His Mother a harp for His words:
And as the harp waits for its master, my mouth waits for You. May the tongue of Your Mother bring what pleases You; and since I have learned a new Conception by You, let my mouth learn in You, O new born Son, a new song of praise.
And if hindrances are no hindrances to You, since difficulties are easy to You, as a womb without marriage conceived You, and a belly without seed brought You forth, it is easy for a little mouth to multiply Your great glory.
Lo! I am oppressed and despised, and yet cheerful: mine ears are filled with reproof and scorn; and it is a small thing to me to bear, for ten thousand troubles can a single comfort of Yours chase away.
And since I am not despised by You, O Son, my countenance is bright; and I am slandered for having conceived, and yet have brought forth the Truth who justifies me. For if Tamar was justified by Judah, how much more shall I be justified by You!
David Your father sung in a psalm of You before You had come, that to You should be given the gold of Sheba. This psalm that he sung of You, lo! It, while You are yet a child, in reality heaps before you myrrh and gold.
And the hundred and fifty Psalms that he wrote, in You were seasoned, because all the sayings of prophecy stood in need of Your sweetness, for without Your salt all manner of wisdom were tasteless. Job 6:6

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hymn on the Nativity (9) St. Ephraim

From today until Christmas The Society of Sts. Peter & Andrew will be posting a Hymn on the Nativity of Christ from St. & Doctor of the Church Ephraim the Syrian (306-373).

Hymn Nine

Come rest, and be still in the bosom of Your Mother, Son of the Glorious. Forwardness fits not the sons of kings. O Son of David, You areglorious, and [yet] the Son of Mary, who hides Your beauty in the inner chamber.
To whom are You like, glad Babe, fair little One, Whose Mother is a Virgin, Whose Father is hidden, Whom even the Seraphim are not able to look upon? Tell us whom You are like, O Son of the Gracious!
When the wrathful came to see You, You made them gladsome: they exchanged smiles one with another: the angry were made gentle in You, O sweet One. Blessed are You, little One, for that in You even the bitter are made sweet.
Who ever saw a Babe that was gladsome when in arms to those that came near him, lo! reached Himself unto them that were far off? Fairsight [to see] a Child, that takes thought for every man that they may see him!
He that has care came and saw You, and his care fled away. He that had anxiety; at You forgat his anxiety; the hungry by You forgat his victuals; and he that had an errand, by You was errant and forgot his journey!
O still Yourself, and let men go to their works! You are a son of the poor, learn from Yourself that all the poor had to leave their work to come. You who loves men, hast bound men together by Your gladsomeness.
David, that stately king, took branches, and in the feast among the children as he danced, he gave praise. Is it not the love of DavidYour father that is warm in You?
That daughter of Saul! Her father's devil spoke in her: she called the stately [king] a vile fellow, because he gave an ensample to the elders of her people of taking up branches with the children in the day of praise to You.
Who would not fear to lay it to You that You are forward? For lo, the daughter of Saul who mocked the child, cut off her womb from childbearing; because her mouth derided, the reward of its mouth was barrenness. 2 Samuel 6:23
Let mouths tremble at blasphemy, lest they be shut up! Refrain, O daughter of Sion, your mouth from Him, for He is the Son of David, Who is gladsome before you. Be not unto Him as the daughter of Saul, whose race is extinct.
Because Elijah restrained the desire of the body, he withheld rain from the adulterous; because he kept under his body, he withheld dew from the whoremongers, who let their fountains be loosely poured out.
Because the hidden fire of the lust of the body ruled not in him, to him the fire from on high was obedient. And since he subdued on the earth the lust of the flesh, he went up there where holiness dwells and is at peace.
Elisha also who deadened his own body, quickened the dead. The resurrection of the dead was in the usual course by a sanctification not in the usual course; He raised the child, because he purified his soul like a weaned child.
Moses, who divided and separated himself from his wife, divided the sea before the harlot. Zipporah though daughter of a heathen priestkept sanctity: with a calf the daughter of Abraham went a whoring.

Reflection, Contemplation & Homily

The merciful God often sends comfort to those pleasing to Him on earth from the other world through his saints. St. Theodota suffered for Christ before St. Anastasia. Anastasia was then cast into a confined and dark prison to die of hunger, according to the judgment of the torturers. During the thirty days of her imprisonment, St. Theodota appeared to Anastasia every night from the other world and strengthened her in her suffering. Anastasia spoke of many things with St. Theodota and asked numerous questions. One night she asked her how she was able to come to her after her death. Theodota replied that the souls of the martyrs are given special grace from God, so that after departing this world they may return to speak to whomever they desire for the imparting of instruction and comfort. When thirty days had passed, the torturer brought St. Anastasia out of prison and was amazed to see her still alive. He then condemned her, along with several others, to be drowned in the sea. The Christians were put into a small boat by the soldiers, who set sail in another. When the Christians were brought out into the deep, the soldiers upset the boat, so that the water would enter and drown the condemned. Then a miraculous vision took place: St. Theodota appeared on the water and guided the boat to shore. Thus, all who were condemned to death were saved with Anastasia. Seeing this miracle of God, one hundred and twenty pagans immediately believed in Christ and were baptized.

Contemplate David's sufferings because of sin:
1. How misfortune arose in David's house: one of his sons rose up against the other, and a brother against his sister;
2. How Absalom initiated a war against his father David;
3. How misfortune befell the entire people because of the king's sin.

on long-suffering Job
The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away (Job 1:21).

Brethren, let the righteous one fear nothing; all shall be well with him. The whole of Sacred Scripture shows us that God will never forsake the righteous. The example of Job shows us this as clearly as the sun. Job had seven sons and three daughters; he had riches, respect among the people, and friends. And he lost all of this in one day. He did not grumble against God but fell down upon the ground and worshiped and said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb and naked shall I return thither (Job 1:20-21). Then Job lost his health, the last of what he had, and his entire body, from the top of his head to the heels of his feet, was covered with sores and pus. And Job sat in ashes and lifted up praise to God. His wife tried to persuade him to renounce his God, but righteous Job said to her: Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? (Job 2:10). His friends reproached him, saying that he was sinful and proud in his understanding and righteousness before them, but Job humbly prayed to God and patiently endured all his wounds and misfortunes.
It happens today, as it did then, that when some misfortune befalls us, our neighbors consider themselves to be more intelligent and more righteous than we are. But the most wise God permitted all these misfortunes to fall on Job in order to test not only Job His servant but also his kinsmen and his friends. When each of them had shown what kind of person he was, when each of them had been tested before God, then God, with His almighty right hand, restored Job to health, returned twice as much wealth as He had taken away, and gave him again seven sons and three daughters.
He who has strong faith, brethren, has clear spiritual sight, so that he can see the finger of God in his prosperity as well as in his suffering. He who has strong faith also has great patience in suffering. When God gives to him, he gives thanks, and when God takes away, he blesses: Blessed be the name of the Lord (Job 1:21).
O Lord, the God of the long-suffering and patient Job, teach us to bless Thy name in our sufferings.
To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Homily of St. Peter Canisius

Homily of St. Peter Canisius

I shall always love and reverence the Apostles sent by Christ, and their successors in sowing the seed of the Gospel, those zealous and tireless cooperators in propagating the word, who may justly say of themselves: Let a man so account of us as the ministers of Christ and the dispensers of the mysteries of God. For Christ, like a most watchful and most faithful householder, wished that the Gospel lamp should be lighted by such ministers and delegates with fire sent down from heaven, and once lighted, should not be put under a measure, but set upon a candlestick, so that it may spread its brightness far and wide, and put to flight all darkness and error rife among both Jews and Gentiles.

Now it is not enough for the Gospel teacher to be a brilliant speaker in the eyes of the people; he must also be as a voice crying in the desert, and endeavor by his eloquence to help many to lead good lives, lest, if he omit his duty of speaking, he be called the dumb dog that is not able to bark, spoken of by the prophet. Yes, he should also burn in such a way that, equipped with good works and love, he may adorn his evangelical office, and follow the leadership of Paul. He indeed was not satisfied with bidding the bishop of the Ephesians: This command and teach: conduct thyself in work as a good soldier of Christ Jesus; but he unflaggingly preached the Gospel to friend and foe alike, and said with a good conscience to the bishops gathered at Ephesus: You know how I have kept back nothing that was for your good, but have declared it to you, and taught you in public and from house to house, urging Jews and Gentiles to turn to God in repentance and to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Such should be the shepherd in the Church who, like Paul, becomes all things to all men, so that the sick may find healing in him; the sad, joy; the desperate, hope; the ignorant, instruction; those in doubt, advice; the penitent, forgiveness and comfort, and finally, every one whatever is necessary for salvation. And so Christ, when he wished to appoint the chief teachers of the world and of the Church, did not limit himself to saying to his disciples: You are the light of the world; but also added these words: A city seated on a mountain cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a measure, but upon a candlestick, that it may shine to all who are in the house. Those churchmen err who imagine that it is by brilliant preaching, rather than by holiness of and all-embracing love, they fulfill their office.

Hymn on the Nativity (8) St. Ephraim

From today until Christmas The Society of Sts. Peter & Andrew will be posting a Hymn on the Nativity of Christ from St. & Doctor of the Church Ephraim the Syrian (306-373).

Hymn Eight

That Your Resurrection might be believed among the gainsayers, they sealed You up within the sepulchre, and set guards; for it was for You that they sealed the sepulchre and set guards, O Son of the Living One!
When they had buried You, if they had neglected You and left You, and gone, there would have been room to lie [and say] that they didsteal, O Quickener of all! When they craftily sealed Your sepulchre, they made Your Glory greater.
A type of You therefore was Daniel, and also Lazarus; one in the den, which the Gentiles sealed up, and one in the sepulchre, that the People opened. Lo! Their signs and their seals reproved them.
Their mouth had been open, if they had left Your sepulchre open. But they went away because they had shut Your sepulchre and sealed it, and closed up their own mouths. Yea they closed it, and when they had senselessly covered Your sepulchre, all the slanderers covered their own heads.
But in Your Resurrection You persuade them concerning Your Birth; since the womb was sealed, and the sepulchre closed up; being alike pure in the womb, and living in the sepulchre. The womb and the sepulchre being sealed were witnesses unto You.
The belly and hell cried aloud of Your Birth and Your Resurrection: The belly conceived You, which was sealed; hell brought You forth which was closed up. Not after nature did either the belly conceive You, or hell give You up!
Sealed was the sepulchre whereto they had entrusted You, that it might keep the dead [safe], Virgin was the womb which no man knew.Virgin womb and sealed sepulchre, like trumpets, proclaimed Him in the ears of a deaf people.
The sealed belly and the closed rock were among the accusers. For they slandered the Conception as being of the seed of man, and theResurrection as being of the robbery of man; the seal and the signet convicted them, and pleaded that You were of Heaven.
The people stood between Your Birth and Your Resurrection. They slandered Your Birth, Your Death condemned them: they set aside YourResurrection, Your Birth refuted them; they were two wrestlers that stopped the mouth that slandered.
For Elijah they went and searched the mountains: 2 Kings 2:16 as they sought him on earth, they the more confirmed that he was taken up. Their searching bore witness that he was taken up, in that it found him not.
If then prophets that had had forewarning of Elijah's ascension, doubted as it were of his going up, how much more would impure menspeak slander of the Son? By their own guards He convinced them that He was risen again.
To Your Mother, Lord, no man knew what name to give. Should he call her Virgin, her Child stood [there]; and married no man knew her to be! If then none comprehended Your Mother, who shall suffice for You?
For she was, alone, Your Mother; along with all, Your Sister. She was Your mother, she was Your Sister. She along with chaste womenwas Your betrothed. With everything You adorned Her, You ornament of Your Mother.
For she was Your Bride by nature ere You had come; she conceived You not by nature after You had come, O Holy One, and was a Virginwhen she had brought You forth holily.
Mary gained in You, O Lord, the honours of all married women. She conceived [You] within her without marriage. There was milk in her breasts, not after the way of nature. You made the thirsty land suddenly a fountain of milk.
If she carried You, Your mighty look made her burden light; if she gave You to eat, it was because You were hungry; if she gave You to drink [it was], because You were thirsty; willingly if she embraced You, You, the coal of mercies, kept her bosom safe.
A wonder is Your Mother. The Lord entered her, and became a servant: the Word entered her, and became silent within her; thunder entered her, and His voice was still: the Shepherd of all entered her; He became a Lamb in her, and came forth bleating.
The Belly of Your Mother changed the order of things, O You that orders all! The rich went in, He came out poor: the High One went in, He came out lowly. Brightness went into her and clothed Himself, and came forth a despised form.
The Mighty went in, and clad Himself with fear from the Belly. He that gives food to all went in, and gat hunger. He that gives all to drink went in, and gat thirst. Naked and bare came forth from her the Clother of all.
The daughters of the Hebrews that cried in the Lamentations of Jeremiah, instead of lamentations of their Scriptures, used lulling-songs from their own books: a hidden Power within their words was prophesying.
Eve lifted up her eyes from Sheol and rejoiced in that day, because the Son of her daughter as a medicine of life came down to raise up the mother of His mother. Blessed Babe, that bruised the head of the Serpent that smote her!
She saw the type of You from the youth of Isaac the fair. For You Sarah, as seeing that types of you rested on his childhood, called him, saying, O child of my vows, in whom is hidden the Lord of vows.
Samson the Nazarite shadowed forth a type of Your working. He tore the lion, the image of death, whom You destroyed, and caused to go forth from his bitterness the sweetness of life for men.
Hannah also embraced Samuel; for Your righteousness was hidden in him who hewed in pieces Agag as [a type] of the wicked one. He wept over Saul, because Your goodness also was shadowed forth in him. 1 Samuel 2:26
How meek are You! How mighty are You, O Child! Luke 2:52 Your judgment is mighty, Your love is sweet! Who can stand against You? Your Father is in Heaven, Your Mother is on earth; who shall declare You? Isaiah 53:8
If a man should seek after Your Nature, it is hidden in Heaven in the mighty Bosom of the Godhead; and if a man seek after Your visible Body, it is laid down before their eyes in the lowly bosom of Mary.
The mind wanders between Your generations, O Rich One! Thick folds are upon Your Godhead. Who can sound Your depths, You great Sea that made itself little?
We come to see You as God, and, lo! You are a man: we come to see You as man, and there shines forth the Light of Your Godhead!
Who would believe that You are the Heir of David's Throne? A manger have You inherited out of [all] his beds, a cave has come down to You out of all his palaces. Instead of his chariots a common ass's colt, perchance, comes down to You.
How fearless are You, O Babe, that dost let all have you [to carry]: upon every one that meets with You do You smile: to every one that sees You, are You glad-some! Your love is as one that hungers after men.
You make no distinction between Your fathers and strangers, nor Your Mother and maidservants, nor her that suckled You and theunclean. Was it Your forwardness or Your love, O You that loves all?
What moves You that You let all that saw You have You, both rich and poor? You helped them that called You not. Whence came it that You hungered so for men?
How great was Your love, that if one rebuked You, You were not angry! If a man threatened You, You were not terrified! If one hissed at You, You did not feel vexed! You are above the laws of the avengers of injuries.
Moses was meek, and [yet] his zeal was harsh, for he struggled and slew. Elisha also, who restored a child to life, tore a multitude of children in pieces by bears. Who are You, O Child, whose love is greater than that of the Prophets?
The son of Hagar who was wild, kicked at Isaac. He bore it and was silent, and his mother was jealous. Are You the mystery of him, or is not he the type of You? Are you like Isaac, or is it not he that is like You?

Reflection, Contemplation & Homily

Whoever climbs to the Kingdom of Christ must encounter obstacles, and these obstacles are numerous and varied. Especially dangerous are the evils of the demons. Therefore, every man zealous for the spiritual life must be especially cautious and not accept every shining vision from the other world as a divine revelation. That even the devil is able to appear as an angel of light is shown in the life of the Holy Martyr Juliana. When this holy virgin lay in prison, the devil appeared to her in angelic light, and he counseled her to offer sacrifice to the idols so as to end her tortures. The frightened Juliana asked: ``Who are you?'' The devil replied: ``I am an angel of God! God is greatly concerned about you. Therefore, He sent me with the message that you should submit to the eparch, so that your body will not be destroyed by pain; the Lord is gracious and will forgive you because of the weakness of your wounded body.'' The martyr was horrified at these words. Confused, she fell down in tears in prayer to God, asking Him to reveal who had spoken with her. Then a voice from heaven came to her: ``Be brave, Juliana, I am with you; I give you authority and power over him who came to you, and from him alone will you discover who he is.'' And the devil was bound and forced to acknowledge that he was the same one who had deceived Eve in Paradise, who had told Cain to murder Abel, Herod to slaughter the children of Bethlehem, the Jews to stone Stephen, Nero to crucify Peter upside down and to behead Paul, and so forth. Thus, this holy virgin, girded with the power of God, did not allow herself to be deluded by the evil spirit, but she defeated him by her vigilant and ardent prayers to God.

Contemplate David's repentance:
1. How King David did not sin while he was a shepherd and a simple subject;
2. How, as king, he sinned against God;
3. How he immediately recognized his sin, confessed it and repented bitterly.

on Elias the Prophet

As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years but according to my word (I Kings 17:1).
These words are terrible sounding to every mortal ear, for a man spoke them, a man subject to like passions as we are (James 5:17). You ask yourselves, brethren, how can a mortal man shut up the heavens and stop the rain? But ask yourselves: how can a mortal man open the heavens and bring down rain upon the parched ground? We know that even now God opens the heavens and gives rain at the prayers of men: And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive(Matthew 21:22), says our Savior. As Moses, by living faith and prayer, worked awesome miracles in Egypt and in the wilderness, as Joshua the son of Nun held back the course of the sun, so also God's prophet Elias shut and opened the heavens, brought down fire from heaven, and worked other mighty and awesome miracles all through faith and prayer. God gave Elias the power to work such miracles, for Elias was zealous for the glory of God and not for his own glory: I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts (I Kings 19:14). This man of God sought nothing for himself but sought everything for God. God was everything to him: all glory, all strength, all good. Therefore, God crowned him with immortal glory, awesome might, and treasure which does not decay and which moths do not corrupt. God did not permit Elias to die but took him to heaven as he did Enoch. St. Elias had a soul as pure as the morning dew, a body as chaste as a child's, and a heart and mind as blameless as that of an angel of God. Therefore, he was and remains a vessel of God's power. He worked wonders then and works them today.

O Living Lord, the God of Thy Prophet Elias, Who hast adopted us through baptism by Thy holy grace: enkindle also in us the faith and zeal of Thy holy prophet.
To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hymn on the Nativity (7) St. Ephraim

From today until Christmas The Society of Sts. Peter & Andrew will be posting a Hymn on the Nativity of Christ from St. & Doctor of the Church Ephraim the Syrian (306-373).

Hymn Seven
The Son of the Maker is like His Father as Maker! He made Himself a pure body, He clothed Himself with it, and came forth and clothed our weakness with glory, which in His mercy He brought from the Father.
From Melchizedek, the High Priest, a hyssop came to You, a throne and crown from the house of David, a race and family from Abraham.
Be unto me a Haven, for Your own sake, O great Sea. Lo! The Psalms of David Your Father, and the words also of the Prophets, came forth unto me, as it were ships.
David Your father, in the hundred and tenth Psalm, twined together two numbers as it were crowns to You, and came [to You], OConqueror! With these shall You be crowned, and unto the throne shall You ascend and sit.
A great crown is the number that is twined in the hundred, wherein is crowned Your Godhead! A little crown is that of the number ten, which crowns the Head of Your Manhood, O Victorious One!
For Your sake women sought after men. Tamar desired him that was widowed, and Ruth loved a man that was old, yea, that Rahab, that led men captive, was captivated by You.
Tamar went forth, and in the darkness Genesis xxxviii stole the Light, and in uncleanness stole the Holy One, and by uncovering her nakedness she went in and stole You, O glorious One, that bringest the pure out of the impure.
Satan saw her and trembled, and hasted to trouble her. He brought the judgment to her mind, and she feared not; stoning and the sword, and she trembled not. He that teaches adultery hindered adultery, because he was a hinderer of You.
For holy was the adultery of Tamar, for Your sake. You it was she thirsted after, O pure Fountain. Judah defrauded her of drinking You. The thirsty womb stole a dew-draught of You from the spring thereof.
She was a widow for Your sake. You did she long for, she hasted and was also an harlot for Your sake. You did she vehemently desire, and was sanctified in that it was You she loved.
May Tamar rejoice that her Lord has come and has made her name known for the son of her adultery! Surely the name she gave himGenesis 38:29 was calling unto You to come to her.
For You honorable women shamed themselves, You that givest chastity to all! You she stole away in the midst of the ways, who pavest the way into the kingdom! Because it was life that she stole, the sword was not able to put her to death.
Ruth lay down by a man in the threshingfloor for Your sake; her love made her bold for Your sake, O You that teachest all penitentsboldness. Her ears refused [to listen to] any voices for the sake of Your voice.
The live coal that glowed went up into the bed, of Boaz, lay down there, saw the High Priest, in whose loins was hidden a fire for hisincense! She hasted and was a heifer to Boaz, that should bring forth You, the fatted Calf.
She went gleaning for her love of You; she gathered straw. You quickly paid her the reward of her lowliness; and instead of ears of grain, the Root of Kings, and instead of straws, the Sheaf of Life, You made to spring from her.

Reflection, Contemplation & Homily

The holy martyrs, seized with the love of Christ, were like unquenchable flames. This love eased their sufferings and made their deaths sweet. St. Chrysostom says of St. Ignatius: ``He put off his body with as much ease as one takes off his clothes.'' Traveling to Rome to his death, Ignatius feared only one thing: that Christians would somehow prevent his martyrdom for Christ, by their prayers to God or in some outward manner. Therefore he continually implored them, in writing and in speech, not to do this. ``Forgive me,'' he said. ``I know what is for my benefit. I but begin to be a disciple of Christ when I desire nothing, either visible or invisible, save to attain Christ. May every diabolical torture come upon me: fire, crucifixion, wild beasts, the sword, tearing asunder, the crushing of my bones, and the dismemberment of my whole body-only that I may receive Jesus Christ. It is better for me to die for Christ than to reign to the ends of the earth…. My love is nailed to the Cross, and there is no fire of love in me for any earthly thing.'' When he was brought to the circus, he turned to the people with these words: ``Citizens of Rome, know that I am not being punished for any crime, neither have I been condemned to death for any transgression, but rather for the sake of my God, by Whose love I am overcome and Whom I insatiably desire. I am His wheat, and the teeth of the wild beasts will grind me to be His pure bread.'' When he had been devoured by the wild beasts, by God's providence his heart remained among the bones. When the unbelievers cut open the saint's heart, they saw inside, inscribed in golden letters, the name Jesus Christ.

Contemplate the courage of Joshua the son of Nun:
1. How Joshua held unswervingly to all the Lord's commandments;
2. How, with faith in God's help, he courageously entered into every battle against the enemies of his people;
3. How he was victorious everywhere and ascribed all his victories to God.

on David

And David said to Nathan: I have sinned against the Lord (II Samuel 12:13).
My tears have been my food day and night (Psalm 42:3).

King David sinned against God and repented, and God forgave him. The king's sin was great, but greater still was his repentance. He was guilty before God of two grave sins: adultery and murder. But when Nathan the prophet of God denounced him, he cried out in anguish: I have sinned against the Lord! Thus he confessed his sin and repented bitterly, most bitterly. Grief-stricken, he prayed to God, weeping, fasting, lying on the ground, and enduring meekly the terrible blows that God sent upon him, his house and his people because of his sins. In his penitential Psalms he says: I am a worm and not a man (Psalm 22:6); Because of the sound of my groaning, my bones cling to my flesh (Psalm 102:5); I lie awake … for I have eaten ashes like bread and mingled my drink with weeping (Psalm 102:7, 9); My knees are grown weak through fasting (Psalm 109:24). Here is true repentance; here is a true penitent! He did not become hardened in sin nor did he fall into despair, but, hoping in the mercy of God, he repented unceasingly. And God, Who loves the penitent, showed mercy upon this model of penitence. God forgave him and glorified him above all the kings of Israel; He gave him the great grace to compose the most beautiful penitential prayers and to prophesy the coming into the world of the Holy Savior, Who would be of his seed. Brethren, do you see how wonderful is God's mercy toward penitents? So much mercy did God have on this repentant David that He was not ashamed to take upon Himself flesh from David's seed. Blessed are they who do not become hardened in sin and who do not fall into despair because of sin. Repentance saves both the one and the other from evil.
O Merciful Lord, soften our hearts with tears of repentance.
To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hymn on the Nativity (6) St. Ephraim

From today until Christmas The Society of Sts. Peter & Andrew will be posting a Hymn on the Nativity of Christ from St. & Doctor of the Church Ephraim the Syrian (306-373).

Hymn Six

Blessed be the Messenger that was laden, and came; a great peace! The Bowels of the Father brought Him down to us; He did not bring up our debts to Him, but made a satisfaction to that Majesty with His own goods.
Praised be the Wise One, who reconciled and joined the Divine with the Human Nature. One from above and one from below, He confined the Natures as medicines, and being the Image of God, became man.
That Jealous One when He saw that Adam was dust, and that the cursed serpent had devoured him, shed soundness into that which wastasteless, and made him [as] salt, wherewith the accursed serpent should be blinded.
Blessed be the Merciful One, who saw the weapon by Paradise, that closed the way to the Tree of Life; and came and took a Body which could suffer, that with the Door, that was in His side, He might open the way into Paradise.
Blessed be that Merciful One, who lent not Himself to harshness, but without constraint conquered by wisdom; that He might give anensample unto men, that by virtue and wisdom they might conquer discerningly.
Blessed is Your flock, since You are the gate thereof, and You are the staff thereof. You are the Shepherd thereof, You are the Drink thereof, You are the salt thereof, yea, the Visitor thereof. Hail to the Only-Begotten, that bare abundantly all manner of consolations!
The husbandmen came and did obeisance before the Husbandman of Life. They prophesied to Him as they rejoiced, [saying,] Blessed be the Husbandman, by Whom the ground of the heart is tilled, Who gathers His wheat into the garner of Life.
The husbandmen came and gave glory to the Vineyard that sprang of the root and stem of Jesse, the Virgin Cluster of the glorious Vine.May we be vessels for Your new Wine that renews all things.
In You may the Vineyard of my Well-beloved that yielded wild grapes find peace! Graft its vines from Your stocks; let it be laden entirely from Your blessings with a fruit which may reconcile the Lord of the Vineyard, Who threatens it.
Because of Joseph the workmen came to the Son of Joseph saying, Blessed be Your Nativity, You Head of Workmen, the impress whereof the ark bore, after which was fashioned the Tabernacle of the congregation that was for a time only!
Our craft praises You, Who art our glory. Make the yoke which is light, yea easy, for them that bear it; make the measure, in which there can be no falseness, which is full of Truth; yea, devise and make measures by righteousness; that he that is vile may be accused thereby, and he that is perfect, may be acquitted thereby. Weigh therewith both mercy and truth, O just One, as a judge.
Bridegrooms with their brides rejoiced. Blessed be the Babe, whose Mother was Bride of the Holy One! Blessed the marriage feast, whereat You were present, in which when wine was suddenly wanting, in You it abounded again!
The children cried out, Blessed He that has become unto us a Brother, and Companion in the midst of the streets. Blessed be the day which by the Branches gives glory to the Tree of life, that made His Majesty be brought low, to our childish age!
Women heard that a Virgin should conceive and bring forth a Son: honourable women hoped that you would rise from them; yea noble ladies that You might spring up from them! Blessed be Your Majesty, that humbled Itself, and rose from the poor!
Yea the young girls that carried Him prophesied, saying, Whether I be hated or fair, or of low estate, I am without spot for You. I have taken You in charge for the bed of Childbirth.
Sarah had lulled Isaac, who as a slave Genesis 22:6 bare the Image of the King his Master on his shoulders, even the sign of His Cross; yea, on his hands were bandages and sufferings, a type of the nails.
Rachel cried to her husband, and said, Give me sons. Genesis 30:1 Blessed be Mary, in whose womb, though she asked not, You dwelledholily, O Gift, that poured itself upon them that received it.
Hannah with bitter tears asked a child; 1 Samuel 1:7 Sarah and Rebecca with vows and words, Elizabeth also with her prayer, after having vexed themselves for a long time, yet so obtained comfort.
Blessed be Mary, who without vows and without prayer, in her Virginity conceived and brought forth the Lord of all the sons of her companions, who have been or shall be chaste and righteous, priests and kings.
Who else lulled a son in her bosom as Mary did? Who ever dared to call her son, Son of the Maker, Son of the Creator, Son of the Most High?
Who ever dared to speak to her son as in prayer? O Trust of Your Mother as God, her Beloved and her Son as Man, in fear and love it is meet for your Mother to stand before You!

Reflection, Contemplation & Homily

Can faith move mountains? (Matthew 17:20). Without a doubt it can, and it can do even more than that: by faith, God Himself can be moved to mercy toward us sinners. In the Omirian town of Safar, the majority of the inhabitants were Jews. St. Gregory endeavored to convert them to Christianity. Then the Jews suggested to St. Gregory and to King Abramis that they should have a debate about faith with the assurance that if they [the Jews] were defeated then all of them would enter the Christian Faith. This debate lasted several days in the presence of several thousand people, both Jews and Christians. The Jews, seeing that they would be defeated by Gregory's irrefutable reasons and proofs, sought from Gregory that, in some way, he show them Christ alive so that they might see Him with their own eyes and then they would believe. Having great boldness before the Lord because of the purity of his heart, St. Gregory knelt facing east and, before everyone, began to pray to God. When he had finished his prayer, the earth quaked, thunder clapped, and the heavens opened in the east. A cloud, glowing with a flaming fire and shining rays, moved from the east and then slowly descended to the earth toward that place where the assembly of people had gathered. In the midst of the cloud there stood a man of inexpressible beauty, with a face of extraordinary brightness and in a vesture that appeared to be woven of lightning. He moved upon the cloud until He came over Bishop Gregory himself. Everyone saw Him in unsurpassable glory and beauty, and in fear fell to the ground on their faces. Gregory cried out: ``One is Holy, One is the Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.'' At this, there came a voice to the Jews from the Lord's glory: ``For the sake of the bishop's prayers, He Who was crucified by your fathers heals you.'' And the shining cloud moved away as slowly as it came. After that, the Jews were baptized.

Contemplate the humility of Moses before God:
1. How Moses always emphasized God and never himself;
2. How he looked for all strength, for all good, and for all help from God only, and not from anyone else;
3. How, in all labor, he humbly turned to God for help and leadership.

on Samuel

For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of Him. Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord(I Samuel 1:27-28).
Besought of God and dedicated to God, Samuel was a prophet and leader of the people of Israel. The blessed Hannah, his childless mother, besought him from God with tears and sacrifices. And she gave him, her one and only greatest blessing, to the service of the Lord from his infancy. A wise mother does not consider her children as her own, but rather as God's. They are God's both when God gives them and when He takes them, but they are mostly God's when a mother herself dedicates them to Him. God's gift is returned to Him as a reciprocal gift, for we have nothing of our own to give to Him but only that which we receive from Him. The young Samuel lived in the Temple among the iniquitous sons of Eli the high priest, and he did not become corrupt. The Lord would not reveal Himself to the sinful elders, but He appeared to this pure child: for Samuel did the will of God, and did let none of his words fall to the ground (I Samuel 3:19). Samuel was a judge of the people of Israel from his youth to old age and committed nothing wrong either before God or before the people. God gave him the power to prophesy and work miracles. He defeated all of God's enemies and the enemies of the people, and he anointed two kings, Saul and David. When he grew old, he called the people together and asked them if he had ever committed any violence against anyone or accepted a bribe from anyone. And the people replied with one voice: Thou hast not defrauded us, nor oppressed us, neither hast thou taken ought of any man's hand (I Samuel 12:4). Behold, such a man was he, who was given by God and given to God as a reciprocal gift, and who grew up with the blessing of God and the blessing of his mother. Let mothers benefit from the example of the blessed Hannah; let judges and rulers of the people benefit from the example of the righteous Samuel. 
O Holy and Most-holy Lord, gracious and most gracious, open our souls to see Thy holiness and Thy goodness, that we may repent of our evils.
To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.