Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Making the Resurrection Real with Pope Francis

WEDNESDAY HOMILY: Making the Resurrection Real with Pope Francis

What is the Eucharist Called?  The Breaking of Bread, because Jesus used this rite, part of a Jewish meat when as master of the table he blessed and distributed the bread, above all at the Last Supper. It is by this action that his disciples will recognize him after his Resurrection. -Catechism of the Catholic Church 1329.
HYTHE, KENT, UK (Catholic Online) - What is the place on earth where we can encounter the Risen Jesus Christ in the most powerful, potent, intense, and sure way?  How can we grow the quickest and strongest in our faith in this Year of Faith?  What should be the source, summit, and center of not only the goal of our faith, but also of acquiring faith?

The Most Holy Eucharist.

The Gospel for today, the living encounter of the disciples on the road to Emmaus, is God's parable for the Mass.  Jesus walks with us and explains the scriptures.  When we begin the conversation we might not recognize or understand him, but as he speaks to us our "hearts burn within us" as he explains the scriptures.

Not only does the Risen Lord explain the scriptures but he also explains our sufferings to us, or rather, how he suffers in us and through us asking us, "Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?" or in other words, "Do you not see that you too must suffer so as to enter into my glory?"

The Eucharist is our Resurrection, our glory, our Life, our refuge, our encounter with divine Love, our peace, our security, our hope, our salvation.  The Eucharist is God himself present in our midst.

In the school of the Eucharist, Jesus trains our eyes how to recognize him not only "in the breaking of the bread," but also in our daily lives, so that we don't miss the Lord interacting with us and speaking to us through historical events.

One key important historical event for us lately is our new Pope.  Our new Pope is not a liturgist.  Pope Benedict XVI was.  He had long mystical and beautiful explanations of the rites we celebrate.  What can we look for from Pope Francis?  He is going to teach us how to make the Eucharistic and Resurrection graces we receive at Mass true life for the world,  He is going to teach us how to make it real!

Expect to hear many exhortations from our Holy Father about living our faith, not just in the Church but in our daily lives.  He is going to remind us of Jesus words, that "I will give my flesh for the life of the world."  Yes the world.  He didn't give it for the church choir or the people to suffocate or sit on the graces received but that they must go out and make these graces fruitful.

Pope Francis will teach us how to become like Christ.  He will teach us how to accompany others like Jesus accompanied the disciples in Emmaus.  He will teach us how to become living signs of the Resurrection.

May Our Lady, Mother of the Eucharist, and Mother of the Church, help us to "make it real," to live our faith and allow the graces of the Mass to be given to the world through our daily lives.

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